

来源:网络整理 时间:2024-07-16 18:32 阅读483

成考英语作文模板五篇, 模板一: 开头:引入话题,抓住读者的眼球 主体:列出自己观点,提出相关论点 结尾:总结主题,发出呼吁




1. 模板一:

(开头段) Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, (提出问题)has become a heated issue arousing much discussion. (主体段落1) People’s views on this problem vary widely. Some people write that(支持的观点). From the viewpoint of these people, (理由1)。

(主体段落2) However, other people hold the opposite idea. They are of the opinion that(反对的观点). As far as they are concerned, (理由2)。

(结尾段) In conclusion,I believe that(我的看法)。

Only when (解决措施)are taken can we really make the issue better. 2. 模板二:

(开头段) In humans’ life, different people hold different views about(话题). Both of them have their own reason. (主体段落1) Some people think that, (观点1). As a matter of fact, there are a couple of reasons why they have this idea. Firstly, (论点1). Moreover (论点2). (主体段落2) However, other people claim that, (观点2). This can be explained by the fact that, (论点3). What is more,(论点4). (结尾段) Taking everything into consideration, I think that (我认为). In this way, we can make our life better. 3. 模板三:

(开头段) Currently,(主题)has become a hot topic concerning people from all walks of life, and different people hold different views about it. (主体段落1) Some people say that, (观点1). There are many reasons why they favor this idea. Firstly, (论点1). Secondly,(论点2). (主体段落2) On the other hand, others insist that,(观点2). As what they mentioned,(论点3). In addition,(论点4). (结尾段) As far as I am concerned, I believe that, by understanding respectively the reasons and taking actions as well, both sides can reach an agreement. 4. 模板四:

(开头段) A heated debate about (主题)has been sparked. Different people hold different views on this issue. (主体段落1) Some people assert that, (观点1). The reasons for their standpoints are simple. For example,(论点1). Furthermore,(论点2). (主体段落2) But others take the opposite view. They say,(观点2). Their arguments are deeply grounded. For one thing,(论点3). In addition,(论点4). (结尾段) In my opinion, I think it wise to take into account both sides’ perspectives,and then do something to combine them. 5. 模板五:

(开头段) (主题)has become an object of great discussion around the world. People’s opinions are various on this issue. (主体段落1) Some people believe that (观点1)and their reason for that are as follows. Primarily,(论点1). Moreover,(论点2). (主体段落2) Conversely, other people hold the opinion that(观点2). Supporting this view,(论点3). On the other hand,(论点4). (结尾段) In conclusion, I think that an appropriate solution should take into account both sides’ opinions and be aware of the actual situation.




